Dealing with Feeling: scared

Dealing with Feelings is a 6 book series that helps children understand their emotions and is designed to give voice to what’s brewing inside, showing children how to name their emotions as they also learn to read. This makes me Jealous was the 6th and last book I illustrated in the series.

From Amazon: A young boy is terrified about taking swim lessons. The water is cold, chlorine burns his eyes, and worst of all, everyone is watching him. He's scared that he'll never learn to swim and disappoint his parents―or drown trying! When his instructor shows him how to calm his mind, the boy overcomes his fear and is excited about his next lesson.

While children enjoy expressing themselves―be it through laughter or tears―they don’t always have the words to articulate their emotions. The Dealing with Feelings series is designed to give a voice to what’s brewing inside, showing children how to name their emotions as they also learn to read.